Rack I/O will be used when using Rack
CPUs DCP10 or DCP02. Rack CPUs have no acces to fieldbus
based I/O or field devices. Together with AC 800F, Rack
I/O may be used when a Rack CPU was replaced by AC 800F or
if SoE functionality is necessary. Also the I/O cycles are
much faster using Rack I/O than using fieldbus. For
example up to 288 binary signals are processed within 2 ms
when using only one rack.
I/O modules link the CPU module and the process for signal
matching and signal conversion. They receive data from
sensors and contacts, primary detectors, transmitters and
other field devices and issue positioning commands and
feedback messages to the process.
They have the following tasks and characteristics:
- Input and conversion of
conventional types of process signals and signal levels,
- Galvanical isolation between
process and system,
- Status LEDs for inputs/outputs,
- Externally-powered outputs,
- Automatic fault detection, fault
signaling and temperature monitoring,
- Sensor and line-break monitoring,
- Short-circuit and overload
protected digital outputs,
- Digital inputs protected against
incorrect polarity
- Isolated analog inputs,
- Replaceable during operation,
- No switches, jumpers or
potentiometers, since all settings are configured or
configurable with the software,
- Front panel connection of process
signals via screw terminals with keyed blocks codeable
against incorrect connection.